
Follow the White Rabbit

I land in obscure and fabulous places by chance….here is where i landed tonight…Alice Bailey again… looked at my chart..chose noon because I really don’t know what time I was born I have more water than earth…my fathers Sun sign is my moon and my mothers Sun sign is my rising sign. took a break

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Messenger Saves 2020/21

HEYOKA! (just no BOZOS)Scientists from the Clown Academy have already discovered a new source of healing. It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. It is called the Clown Chakra.The Clown Scientists have found that all our problems can be placed under one heading: Seriousness.Seriousness is the leading

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Astrological Influences 2020 and beyond…..

Starduster Services    Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius ~ and he won’t be back until October 22, 2047!Saturn is sometimes known as Cronus the keeper of time, the Great Ringed One, the drill instructor, and the dispenser of cosmic justice. Without Saturn, umpires, referees and coaches would be out of a job. Saturn’s function is to

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