What do you do now?
Update 02/20/23 This post is for those that got the jab, those that are worried about the Variants and those that did not get the jab and may be getting sick or want to stay healthy. We are not debating about the jab, this is information for everyone to understand what to watch for and
Regeneration Healing Techniques
DIABETES ELIMINATION FROM THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS PROCESS By Satinder Bhalla on Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 1:50 AM DIABETES ELIMINATION FROM THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS PROCESS I connect with the Creator, the source of all healing. I accept blessings for all of creation. My intention with this process is for the Collective Consciousness to be free
Jewelry, Art & Clothing Ideas 2021-24
Last Updated JAN 5, 2024 Happy New Year I watch a lot of ” How to ” videos and like to take notes. It is hard to keep track of everything so I decided last year to make a blog post with links and videos for techniques I was learning. This post keeps expanding as
Tim Holtz Distress Sprays
So this two hour video has so many techniques that I am going to break them down in time increments so I can find them again…this is my candy store…fun ways to color backgrounds and make jewelry pop…this post is based on this video: Paper to use and spraying on paper- wet and dry at
Betar Coil With Ring
Infinite potentials and possibilities exist This tool creates a golden fountain of light, with multicolored specks of possibilities throughout. While based on the Wisdom Ring energetics, together with a bifilar coil, this Ring/Coil combo creates a field unlike anything we have seen before.It is our understanding that the Soul carries infinite potentials and possibilities for