Today is the Third day of Sun Dance. Winter.
Send your Love to the Dancers. Give them strength and energy to keep going.
Today is when the Heyokas come and the Healing Round when you can go to the tree and pray. Connect to the Tree. “ Protector of the Children” Feel the Love and Healing energy. Feel Creator’s Love.
Say a prayer, sing a song…connect your heart with all hearts today…all hearts beating as one with the drum…
We are dreaming and dancing in our future. We are bringing in our New Earth.
Our hearts have been cracked open so we can truly feel the LOVE . We can connect with our hearts now so full of love…we feel everything…emotions tied to the past…its time to let them go and walk forward into our FUTURE.
Give yourself time today to let go…to give thanks for all you have experienced and been given in this lifetime.
Dream in your future. Dream in a future for our Children and the next generations.
We move from the lower dimensions into our HEART Chakra (4D) our Throat Chakra ( 5D) and above….
We walk together as one through all timelines, all dimensions all Soul levels.
We are strong, we are HEALTHY.
We are UNITED we are FREE.
Stand in your Sovereignty stand in Free Will…I love you.
❤ Mitakuye Oyasin ❤