Words of the Grandmothers


Today is the 4th and final day of Sun Dance. Spring

Today is Father’s Day, Solar Eclipse.

Keep those prayers going for the Sun Dancers and Singers and Sun Dance Chiefs, Grandmothers and all who are supporting the Dance.

Yesterday was a powerful healing day for many.
Healing from the past, past lives.
Healing on so many levels and dimensions…Healing our Unci Maka, our hearts, connecting and meeting new Star Family.

We are going to have an amazing year!!! Overflowing gratitude for all who are here at this time to make it happen. Hearts filled with love, understanding the interconnectedness of all and here to bring in our New Earth.

We stand today renewed and healed, hearts open, Singing, Dancing, Praying in our future.

I give THANKS to Creator for the opportunity to be in Service. I am a channel for the healing energy from Creator. I spent last night doing what I love best , surrounded with beings of light and love and bringing through the energy for renewal and regeneration.

Do what you love, find what makes your heart sing. Be in Service for Creator. Wake up each day with hope and make the most of it.

This Sun Dance was powerful. Our New Year is going to be amazing.!!!!

Wopila Tanka to all of you. A Big Thank You for being you. For being here. For helping Creator and all of the amazing beings all around us birth in this New Earth, New Time…I love you ❤ Mitakuye Oyasin 


Whew ….what a ride….We closed that Sun Dance, Solstice, Solar Eclipse, New Moon time with a very hot Sweat…sleep…not much…downloads, visions, third eye and crown wide open….amazing time on Earth !!!!So now what? We keep dreaming in our future…what do you want to do? Where do you want to live? Earth Star Healing Center- a Creative Community for Healing, Art, Music, Yoga, Ceremony and classes. The dream is real and the people are showing up…..Star Family too …From now until July just process, heal, release, ground and allow all the energy to integrate into your body. Please remember that we are all in this together…support, encourage, Love your friends and family…this is harder for some and they need to know they are not alone in this….I love you and Thank You for being here ❤

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