Today do your best to navigate through the energy..stay grounded, focused, aware….Clarity comes when you find that path illuminated in truth. We are learning to discern, weeding out the negativity and fear placed in front of us..keep your prayers going..sing those songs encoded with love. We are still dancing, supporting, birthing in a new time…I will repeat. Grandmothers say “ We Got This !!! “ Thank you for being here at this time. You are LOVED you are appreciated. I LOVE you

Merlin says ” Remember the Magick”
This is an amazing time on Earth. The energy is building and we are remembering the Magic.
Magic is not casting evil spells and dark magic, Magic is remembering our connection to All That is.
You can create a prayer, an intention, a wish and send it out from your heart to a person, place or living being.
You can make positive change in your area or around the world. If you add the energy of a friend or family member in your prayer or intention, you strengthen the energy of that prayer.
Take your power back. Too many people are waiting for someone else to do it for them.
Too many people have been fooled to believe that they can’t do it.
Learn the protocol for creating a safe and sacred space and start sending out prayer and intention for Unci Maka- our Mother Earth. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Stop looking outside yourself.
Find an Elder, A Grandmother, a Mentor.
Use Discernment to make sure their energy feels right.
Ask about Sage, Cedar and the medicines to clear your mind and body.
Ask about the Protection Prayers, the songs, the space clearing techniques.
There will be different plants, prayers and protocols but the intention is the same.
Find what feels right in your HEART.
I am here if you need help.
There are many others waiting to help but no one is asking…start asking. It is never too late and our Unci Maka needs our help. The animals, the plants, the water, the trees, everything will benefit from prayer and positive intention.