We are stronger than you know. It is time to step up and take responsibility for ALL that is going on right now. We have been complacent. We have allowed others to make decisions for us that have put our lives and our beautiful Unci Maka in danger.
Your strength is in your thoughts and intentions. Stop feeding the fear and hopelessness and step up and focus on the positive timeline, a positive outcome, Peace, Unity, Harmony. Calm the storms, calm the fear, clear the smoke, bring the rain…you have forgotten that Creator and You are one…God and you are one…you are Magic, You are LOVE.
Think about someone that makes your heart sing. A child, an animal, a friend,a partner and open your heart and let that LOVE flow…everything that is happening can be changed…with one prayer, one thought, one intention. If we all join in with prayers and intentions they are made stronger.
YOU are needed now so drop the drama, drop the fear and step up. You came here at this time to bring in Peace, Love, Harmony, Unity and it is time to do it……
If you don’t know how ask…Pray…ask your Guidance or ask an Elder. We have been trained our entire lives for this time…and the time is NOW.
This is the time we have all been waiting for…step up, set intention, be in service and help us bring in a beautiful future for generations to come.