Beautiful Words We ARE Warriors of Light and NOTHING will stop us
Posted on Facebook by Helene Bazin. 11/27/2020
They lost. Because by locking us up, they force us to face our shadow parts, to look at our own demons right in the eyes, to heal and transmute them.

They lost. Because by isolating ourselves from each other, they encourage us to re-unite, strengthen our bond and reconnect us from heart to heart.

They lost. For by brazenly lying to us, they lead us to seek truth elsewhere and by ourselves, so to come out of the illusion.

They lost. Because by seeking to scare us, they push us to let go, to stay centered, confident and connected to our soul.

They lost. Because by controlling our physical vehicles, they allow us to expand our subtle bodies and consciousness, therefore our power.

They lost. Because by wanting to make us sick, they finally give us more free time, rest and rebirth.

They lost. Because by trying to make us disappear into the darkness, they increase us and cultivate our inner light.

They lost. For by cutting us off from Mother Nature, we allow her to cleanse and heal herself, and we, to meditate for her as ever.

They lost. Because by manipulating us into making us slaves, they force us to take our sovereignty and liberty back.

They lost. Because this lockdown is a beautiful allegory of our lockdown in the 3 D matrix, which motivates us even more to ascence towards 5 D.

They lost. For in trying to sleep and submit, they are shaking and waking up all of humanity.

They lost. Because by infantilizing us, they make us grow. Attacking our elders and children, they make us roar.

They lost. Because by wanting to weaken us, they strengthen the Warrior of Light that sleeps deep inside each of us.

Éloise Al ‘ Cyona Beautiful day!!!